Surgical desexing is a responsible way you can help reduce pet overpopulation and unwanted pregnancies. Traditionally, desexing is undertaken from about 6 months of age. During these COVID-19 times, it is important that we reduce our interpersonal contact as much as possible, and avoid all unnecessary errands outside of our homes. In addition, as…
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How to make sure your dog doesn’t get canine cabin fever
As coronavirus forces us to isolate, some pundits are suggesting now is the ideal time to bring a dog into your life. But our experts in the Sydney School of Veterinary Science say you need to think first before taking on a puppy. Staying home and not socialising your dogs, most notably puppies, risks them…
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Vaccinations: Is it okay to delay?
In these COVID-19 times, we are mindful that it’s important we reduce our interpersonal contact as much as possible, and avoid all unnecessary errands outside of our homes. Vaccination of our pets is necessary - it is the best and cheapest protection we can provide against fatal diseases like parvovirus, distemper and viral hepatitis. However,…
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