Tag Archives: hospital

Reducing stress in cats when visiting the vet

Meet “Mia” one of our lovely patients who recently visited Uni Vets Camden. Taking your cat for veterinary checks is an essential part of maintaining their health and wellbeing. The different smells, noises and other animals out and about in a veterinary hospital can be a stressful experience for cats and owners. Cats are susceptible…
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Noise phobia in dogs

Does your dog pant, hide, bark, try to escape, or get destructive during thunderstorms or fireworks? Well they are not alone – these behaviours are relatively common in dogs experiencing anxiety or noise phobias. This level of stress can have a major impact on your dog’s overall health, comfort and safety.   Fortunately, there are…
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A very wobbly problem

Luna recently visited Uni Vets Camden with a very wobbly problem - her lower left canine tooth was loose and sticking straight out of her mouth! In Luna’s case, it was recommended that she underwent a general anesthetic for dental radiographs to investigate the cause for her loose tooth. In addition to trauma, underlying diseases…
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Arthritis in dogs

As they get older, our furry friends can start to develop mobility issues, much like humans. Arthritis is a common joint condition where the surfaces within the joint start to break down and grind on each other. It can cause pain and stiffness in our pets and can make it harder for them to partake…
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