Tag Archives: scared dog

Noise phobia in dogs

Does your dog pant, hide, bark, try to escape, or get destructive during thunderstorms or fireworks? Well they are not alone – these behaviours are relatively common in dogs experiencing anxiety or noise phobias. This level of stress can have a major impact on your dog’s overall health, comfort and safety.   Fortunately, there are…
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A very wobbly problem

Luna recently visited Uni Vets Camden with a very wobbly problem - her lower left canine tooth was loose and sticking straight out of her mouth! In Luna’s case, it was recommended that she underwent a general anesthetic for dental radiographs to investigate the cause for her loose tooth. In addition to trauma, underlying diseases…
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Keeping your dog safe from rat bait

Rats and mice are a nuisance when they pop up uninvited and many people use rodenticide in the form of “rat bait” in an effort to control them within their homes. Although this may be effective, rat bait can cause significant problems if accidentally eaten by the household pet. The most common active ingredient in…
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Dementia in dogs

Dogs, like people are living much longer nowadays thanks to advanced healthcare but, as our faithful companions age, they may experience similar cognitive (brain) changes seen in people. A common condition that alters the cognition in senior dogs is called Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CCDS), a condition similar to dementia in people. Dogs with dementia…
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